One-Time Postpartum Visit

Everything went smooth at your birth — no tearing, no drama, no symptoms. just wonder how things really are.

“I’m feeling good for the most part, but I wonder if there's something more I can be doing for my cesarean scar. Surely I don't need a whole bunch of PT for that.”

”Everyone is talking about abdominal separation — do I have it too? I wish I could just talk to someone just to make sure I'm clear.”

”I don't even know where to start when it comes to exercise. But I don't need PT.”

“I'm YEARS postpartum...but I wish I would have just had someone check things out after I had my baby.”

This is for you. One visit, no commitment beyond that.

One-Time Postpartum Check-In

A 60-minute visit with Dr. Mandi or Dr. Megan:

Pelvic Floor Muscles: We'll check your pelvic floor and make sure you still know how to squeeze, and cover some tips to take the edge off your first time back to intimacy with your partner.

Abs: We'll check to make sure your abdominal muscles are coming back together, and give you exercises to keep it that way as you progress back into whatever you're after in the fitness realm.

Exercises: We'll send you home with some doable exercises that fit into your busy life--whether it's with a newborn and lack of sleep, juggling toddlers, or fitting it into your workday.

One month of free drop-in classes: We have a weekly schedule of drop-in classes in our studio. You’ll receive a month of free classes with your check-in.

Is this for you? Schedule online here.

Want more? Book an extended appointment:

One-Time Postpartum Check-In PLUS

A 90-minute visit with Dr. Mandi, PLUS visits include everything above, plus an extra 30 minutes that may include:

  • A more in-depth processing of your birth.

  • Visceral mobilization to help your abdominal organs find their way back "home."

  • Energetic support to clear any unhelpful energy lingering from your birth experience, including any trauma imprints.

Is this for you? Schedule online here.


Do I need to have sympotms to make one of these? Nope.

Can I still get a superbill to submit to insurance? Yep. We'll make sure we include all the info needed to submit

How far postpartum should I schedule? We recommend 12 weeks to 60 years. Truly--you are always postpartum


  • A thorough yet incomplete list of conditions/symptoms we treat:

    Pelvic Pain*:

    • Painful sex (dyspareunia)

    • Painful periods (dysmenorrhea)

    • Endometriosis related pain

    • Interstitial Cystitis

    • Vaginismus

    • Vulvar vestibulitis

    • Trauma integration (medical, sexual, relational)

    Urinary Symptoms/Syndromes:

    • Urinary incontinence/leakage

    • Urinary urgency

    • Urinary frequency 

    • Recurrent UTI’s 

    • Interstitial Cystitis

    • Prolapse/Cystocele 

    Bowel Symptoms/Syndromes:

    • Constipation

    • Bowel incontinence

    • Gas incontinence

    • Painful bowel movements

    • Hemorrhoids

    • Rectocele


    • Pelvic girdle pain

    • Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD or PSD)

    • Prolapse

    • Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA or abdominal separation)

    • Incontinence

    • Scar tissue (cesarean or perineal)

    • Back pain

    • Shoulder pain

    • SIJ dysfunction

    In addition to symptoms, we provide preventative care for:

    • Trying to Conceive/Preconception

    • Birth Prep

    • Perineal Massage

    • Postpartum recovery

    • Care after miscarriage or loss

    • Return to exercise postpartum

    We provide trauma sensitive care, which means a lot of things, but ultimately that everything is options, every visit. We recognize that this is very sensitive care, and we honor your story and your experience. We value your trust in us.

    Weight loss is never part of our treatment plan or recommendations.

  • I am an out-of-network (OON) provider, which means I do not have a contract with any insurance providers. When you work with me, you pay me at each visit.

    If your insurance has OON coverage, I can provide you a Superbill, which has the diagnosis and treatment codes required for your insurance to reimburse you according to your plan. You can also use your FSA or HSA to pay for appointments if you have one.

    Click here to find a list of questions to ask your insurance provider about OON coverage. Click here

  • Initial Intake Visit (90 minutes): $350

    Follow-up Treatments: $200 (60 minutes) or $300 (90 minutes)

  • Mandi is not accepting male patients at this time.

  • I’m so glad you asked. The answer is YES. I just launched an online learning module called Pelvic Floor 101 that encapsulates all the education I provide over the first several visits, and it’s now available on demand! You can purchase it here and get started on your healing journey today. My goal is to reduce the number of in-person visits you’ll need to help you save time and money, and give you education to take at your own pace. Get started today!

  • While some people can afford to pay out of pocket for this work, I understand that many cannot. I can work with you to create an individual payment plan on a case-by-case basis, and offer sliding scale prices as needed. My Pelvic Floor 101 Course is a great option to help save money over the course of treatment as well. Send me an email at if you’d like to explore options.

    I also have a scholarship for BIPOC folks who are pregnant, preparing for labor & delivery, or postpartum. Please email if you want more information for yourself or a client referral.

  • I am currently offering both in-person and online visits. Click here for the most up-to-date COVID-19 guidelines.

    Please visit my click here page for more info about online visits.

  • The initial intake visit will start with a thorough review of your history, including any medical history, injuries, and pregnancy/birth experience. I give ample space to get to know you, as I believe effective care starts with getting to know you as a whole person, not just your primary symptoms. This visit is typically 90 minutes so that we have time to get you some treatment too!

    You can wear whatever you want to this first visit. Comfortable clothes that stretch can be helpful for the movement assessment but aren’t necessary.

  • My typical recommendation is to wait until your 6-week follow-up to start PT. This is in part to allow healing time and clearance before doing any pelvic floor assessment, but also gives you at least the first month or so for rest and bonding. Also, some initial symptoms such as pain or incontinence can resolve on their own by 6 weeks.

    However, if you are having pain that limits your ability to walk, move around, carry your baby safely, or in any way limits your daily tasks, please make an appointment earlier.

  • Yes, please! I recommend at least two visits starting at 34-36 weeks. We’ll use one visit to focus on assessing your pelvic floor to help ready it for birth, including teaching you perineal massage (tip: it’s not supposed to be miserable!) and how to push properly. On the second visit, we focus on labor & delivery positioning to optimize opening the pelvis. Your partner or doula is more than welcome to join for these visits!

    Of course, if you have any pain or pelvic floor symptoms like incontinence during pregnancy, I encourage you to schedule an appointment sooner.

  • The gold standard for assessing the pelvic floor is an internal exam. This is sometimes included in the initial visit, but always individualized. It is also important to know it’s not necessary.

    There are no speculums or stirrups involved. I simply assess visually first, exactly as you would if you were looking at yourself with a hand mirror. I might feel the muscles externally, feeling just inside the sitbones. Then I use one gloved finger to feel the pelvic floor muscles inside the vagina (or when appropriate inside the rectum). The only way to know exactly what’s going on with a muscle is to feel it, and this is the best way to feel the pelvic floor muscles.

    People who come to see me have all sorts of history, and many of their stories include sexual trauma or abuse. I respect your story and always aim to move at a pace that feels safe and comfortable for each individual. I have had the honor of being part of the healing journey for so many people, and I don’t hold that role lightly.

  • I suggest you keep your appointment. We’ll adjust the plan for that day if we often do internal work because there is always more to do. I may even be able to help give you some relief via yoga postures or manual therapy if you’re feeling pretty crampy.

    There are very few instances where physical therapy relies solely on doing internal work. The pelvic floor is closely related to the hips, the inner thighs, the abdominals, and the glutes (and breathing and swallowing and the feet and…), so if hands-on treatment is the focus, there’s a lot more to do outside the pelvic floor.

    This work is ultimately about self-care, so what better time to take care of yourself than during your bleed? And with the option for online visits, you can even stay home in your sweats and close to a heating pad.

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